the future of surgery
The Airplasma® technology consists in the elimination of the isolating power of the air through an electronic process that makes it an ideal electric conductor. This technology allows applications at low temperature. Operating at a maximum temperature of 122°F (50° C) it is possible to induce tissue vaporization for ablation, tissue dissection or cutting and small vessels hemostasis. In traditional electrosurgery, cutting and coagulation procedures are produced at temperatures over 244°F (100° C) and voltage spikes over 5,000 V.
airplasma technology
Introduction to Air Plasma and its usage in Veterinary Surgery
By Dr William T.N.Culp, Head of Soft Tissue Surgery and Surgical Oncology at University of California, Davis, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, USA
Press Release
ONEMYTIS® 2 the evolution of plasma surgery!
- more compact
- faster & more effective
- with new accessories for endoscopic surgery
Onemytis® has gained a significant recognition from veterinary surgeons in Europe over the last couple of years. Thanks to its Airplasma® technology, Onemytis® demonstrated several important features at multiple levels and various areas of surgical usage:
- Onemytis® operates at a temperature below 122°F.
- Onemytis® makes electro-surgery safe, reducing significantly
- operating time
- tissue thermal damage
- surgical pain
- use of anesthetics
- healing time and potential complication
Studies made with the infrared thermic chamber confirm that working temperature is below 122°F.
Studies made on the fumes produced during surgery show that no detectable carcinogenic compounds are present. Very recent studies made on Cold Atmospheric Plasma demonstrate a significant toxic activity on cancer cells both through direct action and indirectly through the activation of fluids that enter in contact with the cancer cells.
The new unit, Onemytis® 2, represents an important evolution, from analogic to digital device, with a significant improvement of its surgical performance in terms of efficacy, precision and speed. Onemytis® 2, because of its digital components, allows the integration of personalized operating settings and protocols associated with each area of usage (i.e. skin, endoscopy, ablation, eye, oral cavity, etc.)
One single device
with many benefits

Onemytis® 2 is a practical device, easy to transport thanks to its compact size and carry case.
The hand-pieces and connection cable are fully auto-clavable.
Particularly versatile, it allows numerous different surgical procedures using a single tool, thanks to the interchangeable, auto-clavable electrodes specifically for Onemytis®.
Onemitys® 2, result of Italian research & technology, is a device that allows surgery in a faster and more effective way. Used as single tissue dissecting device, it permits to control bleeding by inducing instantaneous hemostasis on small vessels (less than 2mm in diameter).
Onemitys® also guarantees absolute precision, by perfectly isolating all surgical anatomical sites. Thanks to the improved technology Airplasma®, Onemitys® 2 is absolutely safe; it is equipped with a system that eliminate interference with patient monitoring devices and possible tingling events.
The electric power emitted by Onemitys® 2 is low (>10W) and does not induce significant current in the patient body. It does not require much time to prepare patients and protect surrounding tissues, unlike laser devices, thereby reducing operating time and costs. It does not require any return plate and the weak power is safely dispersed.
The plasma is generated spontaneously by simply bringing the tip of the hand-piece (electrode) near the tissue; once plasma is present, contact with the tissue produces an accurate dissection.
Onemytis® 2 considerably reduces the production of heat, respecting target tissues and those all around.
Onemytis® 2 also works in CO2 atmosphere allowing unique endoscopic and laparoscopic applications using specific electrodes adapted to endoscopic devises.